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(ATTENTION: A new, second book by Robert T. Hart on living in the Divine
Will has just been published.  Click HERE for details & to order.)

Third Edition Now Available!
One of the most popular books available
explaining the teachings of the Book of Heaven
11,000 copies (in the 3 editions) now in print!

Here's how you can obtain it...

Be Faithful and Attentive (cover)

Be Faithful and Attentive
A Handbook for Living in the Divine Will
By Robert T. Hart

— Third Edition —

"Blessed are you, dear pilgrim, for the book you hold in your
hands is pure gold in the Kingdom of the Divine Will...."

(Editor's Preface to the 1st Edition)

This Third Edition begins with all that was "Revised & Expanded" in the Second Edition, and adds to it:

1) A THIRD APPENDIX: a new 10 page treatise entitled: "From Practicing to Possessing the Virtues."  This treatise teaches the Child of the Divine Will how and when one comes to possess the virtues (with the help of St. Therese's "Little Way").

2) A newly compiled TOPICAL INDEX.  Now readers will easily be able to find all the various passages on any of the multitude of topics covered in this many paged manual! 

(Note: Those who are content with the Second Edition may freely download a SECOND EDITION INDEX here.)

The Third Edition also features:

— Bible-thin pages (as the First Edition).  The entire 1000+ page book, cover-to-cover, is less than one inch thick!

— PUR case-binding, for a durable, long-lasting book!

— Six, lengthy ribbons (11-inches long) to mark pages.

N.B. In late September of 2022 a third printing of the Third Edition will be ordered.  With this, another 1,000 copies will be in print and available while supplies last.

To order copies contact:

The Luisa Piccarreta Center
for the Divine Will
P.O. Box 415
Jacksboro, TN 37757 — USA
Ph: {423} 566-5178

(The Luisa Piccarreta Center for
the Divine Will is not affiliated
with SicutInCaelo.org

NEW: Robert T. Hart's second book on
living in the Divine Will NOW AVAILABLE!

(As of September AD 2022)
(Click HERE for details and to obtain a copy)

Overview of the Handbook (BF&A)

View the table of contents and selected chapters
(NOTE: This link will take you to the "Web-Edition," which is based on
the First rather than the Third Edition
of Be Faithful and Attentive
Book 1 of the First Edition contains only 17 chapters, whereas a new chapter
was added in Second and Third Editions to bring the total to 18.)



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