New Book by the author of Can You Know if You are “I believe that this excellent manuscript will do a world of good.” Description (from the back cover) Robert T. Hart is one of those rare teachers who has been able to draw forth from the treasury of the Church “things both old and new” (Mt. 13:52), so as to explain Luisa’s spirituality of “living in the Divine Will” as a legitimate development of the traditional spirituality of the Fathers and Mystical Doctors of the Church. His earlier work entitled BE FAITHFUL AND ATTENTIVE: A HANDBOOK FOR LIVING IN THE DIVINE WILL, thoroughly explained Luisa’s account of perfect participation in the interior life of Jesus and Mary as an orthodox development of the traditional mystical theology of the Church. In this new publication, Mr. Hart explains simply and clearly how souls can evaluate their knowledge and practice of Luisa’s spirituality, so as to progress as rapidly as possible to the ultimate goal of becoming “a living Eucharist,” “another Humanity for Christ.” As in his previous work, Hart accomplishes this difficult task while rooting all of his explanations and counsels in the defined dogmas of the Faith and in the principles of the Mystical Doctors of the Church. This important new work consists of a detailed response to four questions: 1) Is it true that to live in the Divine Will all one needs is to desire it? In other words, do you just need to feel a desire for it, or to tell God that you desire it in order to be living in the Divine Will (certain passages of Luisa’s writings seem to indicate this)? 2) Can you know if you are living in the Divine Will? If so, how? 3) What role does praying the Hours of the Passion and the Rounds play? Are they given to us as sure guides for living in the Divine Will? Does the fact that we utilize them serve as evidence (to God and to ourselves) that we are, indeed, living in It? 4) Does the coming of the Kingdom mean the return of Man to Original Innocence, to the sinless state enjoyed by Adam and Eve in Eden? (from the Editor's Preface) Since in answering the above questions Mr. Hart relies largely on Luisa’s writings, he first lays down two crucial rules for arriving at a correct interpretation of them. These are universal rules that will be of use to all in any study of their own. The work ends with an intriguing epilogue. Relying largely on the teaching of the Mexican mystic, Abp. Luis Maria Martinez, Hart shows the Children of the Divine Will how they can become “mystical priests” capable of offering — not merely once per day, but unceasingly — the Sacrifice of Christ. This is welcome news in these times of looming threat that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass cold soon be abolished! To order a copy, click on the title or icon above. Become a Divine Will Apostle. For wholesale discounts and further information
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