Be Faithful and Attentive* — Book Two An Exchange of Love for All the Acts of Jesus' Life (I)
"My daughter, in my Will, all my acts are all present as arrayed among themselves. Look here. There are all the acts of my infancy; there are my tears, the whimperings. There are even those, when, as a little Baby, passing through the fields, I collected flowers. Come, put your 'I love You' upon the flowers that I cut and upon my hands that are stretched to cut them. In those flowers it was you that I looked at; it was for you that I cut that little floweret of my Will. Do you not want, then, to keep Me company in all my infantile acts by your love and by playing with Me in these innocent acts? Look, without interruption. There is when the tiny little Baby, tired of crying for souls, took a most brief sleep; but, before shutting my eyes I wanted you to reconcile Me to sleep. I wanted to see you first kiss my tears by imprinting an 'I love You' and, with the madness of your love, make Me close my eyes to sleep. But, while I sleep, do not leave Me alone but wait for Me to awaken so that at the end of my sleep, I may awaken to your 'I love You.' "My Daughter, because it was established of having to live in my Will, you were inseparable from Me. And, not withstanding that you were not there then, my Will made you present and re-gave Me your company, your acts, your 'I love You.' And do you know what one 'I love You' in my Will means? That 'I love You' encloses an eternal happiness, a Divine Love; and, for my infantile state, it was enough to felicitate Me and form around Me a sea of joys; enough to make Me set aside all the bitternesses that creatures gave Me. If you do not follow all my acts, there will be a void of your acts in my Will. I will remain isolated without your company. On the other hand, I want your connection to all that I have done, because one being the Will that unites us, as a consequence, one must be the act." (Vol. 19: June 6, 1926) |
Oremus My Sweet Mother, and Mother of the Word Incarnate, come with me to help me offer a perfect exchange of love for every act of Jesus' Life. You followed Jesus first in all his acts; now please help me to imitate You, following along in your path. Eternal Majesty, I come to your feet in the name of all the human family, from the first to the last man of the future, present and past generations, to adore You profoundly. At your most holy feet I want to seal the adoration of everyone. I come to recognize You, dear Jesus, as the absolute Saviour and Redeemer of the whole human race; to love You for each and everyone; and to give You a return of love for everyone, for each act of your Humanity (all done in your Divine Will) by which You both Redeemed us and prepared what was necessary to return to us the lost Kingdom of the Divine Will. Only in your Will can I find sufficient love to make this return complete and perfect for everyone; therefore, I come into your Will where all is immense and eternal and finding that love, I begin: I love and adore You in your incomprehensible act of Incarnating Yourself in human flesh in your holy Mother's Womb, and in every motion, prayer, and pain You suffer, during the nine months that You make your abode there. I love and adore You in your act of sanctifying John the Baptist in his mother's womb at your Blessed Mother's Visitation. I love and adore You in your holy and miraculous Birth in the Stable of Bethlehem; in the intense cold You suffer on this Holy Night; in the pain of the cruel cut of the circumcision; in the sorrowful flight into Egypt; and in the difficult years of dwelling there. I invest all the tears and whimperings of your Infancy with my "I love You," and I stamp it both on your tiny hands and on the little flowers I see You collecting in them, as You pass through the fields as a little Child. Multiplying my "I love You's" everywhere, I intend to play with You and keep you company in all the acts of your Infancy and Childhood. Now I see you tired out after crying so much for our souls; therefore, in the madness of my love, I sing You a lullaby of "I love You's" to reconcile You to sleep. But even after You fall soundly asleep, I do not leave You. No, I remain attentive so that when your sleep comes to an end You may awaken again to my "I love You." (See Vol. 19: Jun. 6, 1926) I place my "I love You, I adore You" on every word You speak in the Temple at age twelve when You astound the learned men with your "wisdom and answers" (Lk. 2:47); and on your heroic obedience to the Father's Will which makes your dear Mother and St. Joseph deeply sorrowful, not knowing your whereabouts for the course of three days. I love and adore You in every act of obedience to Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, and in all the acts of your Hidden Life where You redo, in the Divine Will, all the normal human activity, such as dressing, eating, sweeping the floor, working at a trade, and all the daily duties. Having covered your Infancy and Hidden Life, my Jesus, let me now cover your Public Life with my acts of love: I love and adore You in your sorrowful separation from your Mother as You leave to preach the Gospel; in your humbly being baptized by John in the Jordan; in your forty days of prayer and fasting in the desert; and in the temptations of the devil You overcome there. I love and adore You in your attendance at the marriage feast of Cana in which You sanctify marriage by your presence; and in the first miracle You work before your time is come because of the beckoning of your holy Mother. I love and adore You in choosing your twelve Apostles and in giving them, and later another seventy-two Disciples, the instruction and power to preach, cure the sick and cast out demons. I love and adore You in the beautiful teaching of the Sermon on the Mount where we find the consoling Beatitudes; in the Parable of the Sower, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Parable of the Prodigal Son; and in all your teachings and parables. I love and adore You in giving us the prayer of the "Our Father" to ask for the Kingdom of your Will on earth; and in every repetition of this prayer through the ages. I place my "I love You, I adore You" on your multiplying loaves and fishes to feed the multitudes; on your curing of the man born blind; on your raising Lazarus from the dead; and on each of your many miracles. I love and adore You in revealing your Divinity to Peter, James and John on Mount Tabor during the Transfiguration; and I love and adore You, my Jesus, bidding the little children come to You, for "of such is the kingdom of God." And I let my acts of love and adoration flow in your acts of embracing them, laying your hands on them and blessing them. Finally, I thank you for your decisive instruction that "whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall not enter into it" (Mk. 10:14-16). I love and adore You in your triumphant entry into Jerusalem; in the jubilant cry of the people; in the palm branches and cloaks being strewn in your path; and in the very stones You say would cry out if the cries of the people were hushed. I love and adore You, my Jesus, then entering the Temple and viewing "all things round about" — without, however, taking any immediate action. Yet, on the next day, when You return, (after having certainly spent time in prayer) You do take action; therefore, I continue to love and adore You in your anger as You cast out those that are selling and buying and as You overthrow the tables of the money-changers. And I place my love and adoration in the words You then speak, quoting Isaias the Prophet: "My house shall be called the house of prayer to all nations, but you have made it a den of thieves" (Mk. 11: 11&17). I love and adore You in all your acts of your Last Supper with your Apostles; in your humbly washing their feet; in your last discourse; and in your act of wonderfully instituting the Holy Eucharist by which You will both remain Really Present with us always, and feed us with your very Self — How I thank You for the Holy Eucharist! With love and compassion I want to enter now into the acts of your Passion. I want by loving and adoring these acts to be made one with You in them. I love and adore You in your Agony in the Garden; in your prayer: "…not my will, but Thine be done" (Lk. 22:42); and in your experiencing a death for every mortal sin and a death for every act of love of yours that was left unreciprocated. I place my "I love You, I adore You" on every lash of the cruel whips in the Scourging; on your desire to open enough wounds in your Body to make a dwelling place for all souls; on the torturous pains You suffer when Crowned with Thorns; on the humiliations given to You on top of these tortures as they spit on You and mockingly adore You; and on the pain You suffer when, as Pilate shows You to your own people, You hear a hateful: "Crucify Him, Crucify Him" (Lk. 23:21). I love and adore You in the kiss You give the Cross when presented to You; in every painful step under that Cross; in the deep and hidden wound the Cross opens in your shoulder (by which You make reparation for all our hidden sins); and in every painful fall. And I offer You, as my own, the simple and deep act of adoration your Mother Mary offers You, fusing Herself entirely into what You are experiencing, as She meets You along the Sorrowful Way (Vol. 6: Dec. 17, 1903). I love and adore You in obediently laying Yourself down on the Cross when told to; in the pain the nails cause You, both as they first pierce your flesh and as You hang by them for three interminable hours; in your words of forgiveness; and in all the words You speak from the Cross, especially those in which You give us your Mother to be our Mother. I love and adore You in your interior sufferings: the whips of fire, the thorns of fire, the nails of fire that Eternal Love makes You feel in every part of your interior, of which your exterior pains are "but a shadow or an image" (Vol. 14: Aug. 19, 1922). I love and adore You in all your other agonies and pains both exterior and interior, suffered both during the Passion and throughout your whole Life; and in finally having accomplished all, I love and adore You in your And now, my "I love You, I adore You" travels with You on your I love and adore You in your glorious Resurrection; in your appearance to your Holy Mother, to St. Mary Magdalen, to the Apostles; in giving those Apostles the power to forgive sins; and in all your appearances to your many Disciples over the course of forty days. I love and adore You in your glorious Ascension; in your last words and embrace with your Holy Mother; in your mandate to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth; in your promise to return in glory; and in that return, which we ardently pray for and expect "soon." Then, lest I forget any act of yours, dear Jesus, I put my "I love You, I adore You" on your every heartbeat, breath, thought, affection, desire and every slightest movement both external and internal throughout the course of your holy Life. And everywhere I have placed my "I love You, I adore You," I add an act of perfect thanksgiving, praise, and glory to You Heavenly Mother and Queen, You who have come with me to love and adore each act of your Son Jesus' Life, come offer these acts with me to Supreme Majesty, as a little Child of your Divine Will, I come before You and profoundly adore You. Then with Mary, Mother of the Word Incarnate, we offer You our exchange of love, adoration, thanksgiving, praise and glory, which we have made in the divine way, and in the name of everyone, for each and every act of Jesus' Life. With this exchange we ask again, we plead and implore You for the fulfillment of Jesus' own prayer, the "Our Father". Therefore, may your Kingdom be established quickly on earth; may your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. |
* Be Faithful and Attentive: A Handbook for Living in the Divine Will
The excerpts of Be Faithful and Attentive offered here may be copied and printed for one's own use and for discussion groups. The right to publish this book or any of its parts remains exclusively with the author, Robert T. Hart, and the Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will. back to top |