What's New
at SicutInCælo.org

New printing Now Available for Pre-Order: BE FAITHFUL AND ATTENTIVE (3rd ed.).
The 3rd printing of the third edition of BF&A has sold out.  A 4th printing of the book is currently underway.  This 4th printing will come from a new publisher (no longer The Center for the Divine Will). It is available — Deo gratias! — for a significantly lower price.  Click the above link for details & Pre-Orders.
(Posted: February 28, AD 2025)

Now available to order: CAN YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE LIVING IN THE DIVINE WILL? — A Response to Four Common Questions.
This exciting new book tackles four common questions concerning living in the Divine Will, giving comprehensive answers that will be useful to virtually all who aspire to this sanctity.  Click the above link to learn more and to place an order.
(Posted: September 8, AD 2022 — Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

New Pamphlet (free for download):

This pamphlet addresses the crisis of the overwhelming offenses committed against Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament and sets forth what is the proper conduct in the House of God.  A little pamphlet packed with a lot of information.  Click the title above or find this pamphlet on the free booklets page.
(Posted: April 19, AD 2021)

New booklet (free for download):

In this booklet, John Vennari (RIP) recounts the amazing conversion of a black man on death row in a Mississippi prison in the 1940's.  This man, ignorant of all religion, was completely converted to the Catholic Faith by the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It all took place after he placed around his neck (without his knowing its purpose) Our Lady's Miraculous Medal.  Click the title above or see No. 14 on the free booklets page.
(Posted: April 23, AD 2020)

Now available for downloading: A TOPICAL INDEX to the 2nd Edition of BE FAITHFUL AND ATTENTIVE.
This 12-page index — in printable PDF format — covers all the many and various topics found in the 2nd Edition of BE FAITHFUL AND ATTENTIVE.  We trust that this document will be an invaluable aid to those who, having learned something new in the Handbook, have not been able to find it again.  If you have the 2nd Edition, this Index (which is a new feature in the 3rd Edition) may be valuable to you.  Click the following hyperlink to obtain a free download: SECOND EDITION INDEX.
(Posted: June 18, AD 2019)

New booklet: Free download by Robert T. Hart (March AD 2017):

This new booklet is a guide to help Catholics navigate through the current Church crisis — Great for bringing fellow Catholics to Tradition!  Click the title above or see No. 13 on the free booklets page.

Newly revised booklet: Robert T. Hart's booklet on Christian Modesty sees its Sixth Edition (as of January AD 2017):

In this 6th edition revision, the most notable enhancement is the new appendix containing official decrees from Rome concerning the duties of those in authority (i.e. bishops, priests, religious, teachers and parents) to require and enforce modesty in their charges.  Click the title above or see No. 3 on the free booklets page.

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